Saturday, October 11, 2014

2014 OCT

It's been a long time didnt update my blog 


I'm free to update 
but , just lazy :P 

1st of OCT 2014
The Happiest day in Taiwan ever 
I was celebrating someone's birthday 
in Taiwan 
for the FIRST time 

Happy Birthday William Ah Gor :)

I'm so glad that celebrated his birthday in Taiwan
He shared alot things to me 
For me , he is a big brother 
He told me many things 
He asked me to get a brilliant result in university

Yet , I brought my First Sem result to him 
He said that I improved alot 
so he treated me Ice-cream and Coffee :D
btw , he asked me for the next sem 
to get the top three in class
I was like "Huhhh , It's too hard" 
He said " You can do it " 

I hope I can do it so . 

I won't let anyone disappointed . 

Next week is my turn to celebrate birthday 

Second year celebrate in Taiwan 
Hope wont get lot of works to do ~ 
Hope everything goes smooth ~ :) 

1 comment:

JiaYi said... sweeet.ahhahaa...all the best to u babi